Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Nests.

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Happy Easter, Happy hunting! In my family, the tradition of hiding eggs goes farther afield than just the backyard. When my mom was little, my grandma started making little nests out of the field grass and hiding candy in stumps, crevices between rocks, out in the garden. And when I was born, my mom started hiding nests for me. This year Easter ended up being a holiday squashed between the unbearably busy days of my family's different lives, so we didn't do a lot of prep work and there weren't any pre-made nests. But on the day itself, my parents and I went walking in High Cliff state park and brought along some eggs to play with (and snack on, primarily).

The rest of the weekend was spent resting from the hectic mess of the last several weeks. I went outside for some much appreciated time in the fresh air, and did some thinking about the future and my impending graduation. I've been so worried about getting a job and using my degree for what I want, but taking a step back and reminding myself that the world is beautiful place with or without manmade success helped me to shed some of that worry.

This Easter was just what is was meant to be: a time of love and rejuvenation. I hope yours was the same!



  1. Love these photos & story - especially the top photo!

  2. I don't really do much with Easter. Never have. So, the painting, hunting and all that are foreign to me. Haha. That being said, the eggs in the photo look pretty! :P I really like that lace collared top, too!

    - Anna


Happy to hear from you! Let's play word ping pong.