Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Canterbury Cathedral.

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Photos of me by Christine Proulx

One of the perks of attending the University of Kent is that all students are provided with free admission to the famous Canterbury Cathedral, the legendary end point of Chaucer's pilgrims in his Canterbury Tales (the verse from which I'm getting my hilarious pun of a subtitle for these study abroad posts). An even bigger perk for the students who complete their three years of study at Kent: they graduate in the hall in which I'm standing in the bottom left picture. MATC auditorium vs. Canterbury Cathedral? Can I swap?

Walking through the front doors was one of many instances recently that could be described with the phrase "too cool to be true." There were so many parts of the building that I'd heard stories about in the past, learned about in history. The Black Prince and King Henry IV are buried there. Hello, huge historical figures! I spent last summer teaching kids Shakespeare's story about his son, and now I've seen his resting place. So cool!

Oh, and bonus: a picture of me with a cat pretending to be a dog. Cell phone advertising is hilarious here.

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