Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Beaney.

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So, time to back way up and try to tell the story of the past month in some semblance of chronological order. The pictures in this post are from a day which seems like a year ago but was actually in the middle of October. Christine and I went into town for a morning of exploring Canterbury. We stopped at Tiny Tim's Tearoom for some scones, which were the best thing I have ever eaten, and then made our way to the high street to explore the cool library/museum that Canterbury boasts. The museum section is called the Beaney and it's in a beautiful old building that surprises you in its size and grandeur every time you walk past it. It's free and full of interesting things, including paintings, dollhouses, taxidermic birds, ancient Egyptian artifacts, and on and on. They also have a fun little section for kids, including some costume pieces to dress up like the people in the paintings.
I've been finding that many museums have that feature for the kids, and I've been making good use of it. In London, in Bath, in Stratford-upon-Avon. And I don't intend to stop any time soon.
What I do intend to stop is this foolish laziness regarding this blog, which will come back to bite me in the butt when I'm sitting in Milwaukee trying to remember what I did in jolly old England. I spent the last week trying and failing to focus on school, so my journal is languishing, my blog is languishing, and I didn't go anywhere, so I have no excuse. Back to productivity I go!
I'm going to London tomorrow for the final field trip for my Early Modern Drama class. We're going to the Museum of London to see the Cheapside Horde, and getting a tour of Cheapside itself, which is all to complement the play we just read: A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. Dare me to say the word 'Cheapside' more times in a single sentence? You're on.

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