Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Peaks.


The entirety of this weekend is going to be quite a few posts down the line since I have so many backlogged, but I'm so excited about what I did today I just couldn't wait. Here's a sneak peak (pun intended) of what I did this morning as part of my weekend homage to Ms. Austen. And all the while I was walking, I was thinking

“What are men compared to Rocks and Mountains?” 

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog via your parents. What an astonishing experience you are living!
    I love the quote, above, as well as the photo!
    Is there an Alexander McCall Smith book I should start with?
    My heart is smiling, with joy for you.
    Wendy Haas


Happy to hear from you! Let's play word ping pong.