Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Beauties

Ah, the travel pictures continue. This is one of the nights we camped, and our entire site was filled with small flowers called Spring Beauties. What a fitting name.

Besides the sweet, small foliage, there was this bizarre tree. My dad says it grew that way because of snow, but I'm thinking it must just have a funky side it wanted to let out.
I must say, it served as a wonderful bench, although the pain in my tailbone as I attempted to hop off might disagree.



I don't consider this outfit to be one of my all-time masterpieces, but I'd just picked this jumper up in a thrift store earlier that day, and there was this wonderful tree as a photo opportunity...
How could I resist just throwing it on?

And look who came to visit! There were 9 deer on that hillside. Nine! And they wandered up to our campsite while we sat around the fire, tame and nice as pie.

Ok, I have a quick confession. I have absolutely no idea how I'm supposed to respond to the incredibly nice comments I've gotten. What's the blogger-etiquette for a situation like this?
I think I've decided that I'll go to everyone's blog and leave a comment on one of their posts.
But is that how to respond to someone's question?
My months of lurking haven't provided me with this knowledge, so I'd love some advice.
What's the plan, man?


  1. Again this jumper is absolutely fantastic!

    Thank you for the kind words, it really means alot to me.

  2. Those flowers certainly are spring beauties! And your dress contrasts really well with the surroundings here.. Especially on the tree 'bench'!
    Thanks for the comment. That stone house was on a footpath when we went for a walk, there are quite few dotted around the countryside where I live.

  3. love the jumper!

    haha oh blogger etiquette, it depends who you ask, but generally reply to the other persons comments (like you did for mine, thanks!) and then keep reading and hopefully they'll do likewise

  4. wow, those Deer are amazing! cute photos too, I especially love your shoes.

    as far as commenting back, I think at least in the first few months of having a blog, it's important to comment back, but when it comes down to it your sanity takes precedence. I don't get to respond to as many comments as I would like to, so sometimes if I'm pressed for time I'll write a general "thank you" in one of my posts to let everyone know how much I appreciate the comments left. It can be a difficult balance, it comes down to what works for YOU!

    ps- rent the "Grey Gardens" documentary from Netflix and then rent the Drew Barrymore version, Little Edie will change your life!

  5. pretty flowers! i love the idea of not wearing super grungy clothes camping. I mean you wouldn't want to wear a formal dress, but there's no reason to not look nice :)

  6. Almost all of my clothes are thrift, everything except for my undergarments and shoes and maybe 3% of my other clothing. I love the feeling of well worn clothing which is one of the reasons I love vintage!

  7. cute dress for camping! oh how i dream of going on roadtrips this summer. looks like a blast!

  8. oh amazing pictures, they look so natural but still great :)

  9. Oh I love the pictures in the forest, you're like some forest spirit! Pretty.

  10. that jumper is too cute and looks SO comfy!
    thank you for the sweet comment on my blog, you are a doll! :)


Happy to hear from you! Let's play word ping pong.